SteamVR se actualiza para ponerse al día
Valve anunció la actualización de su plataforma SteamVR, que no es más que Steam adaptado a los controles de la Realidad Virtual.
Esta nueva actualización corrige numerosos bugs, además de prometer "mejorar la suavidad y confiabilidad del sistema de reproyección asíncrona. Se planean más mejoras". El rendimiento del renderizador de distorsión se ha incrementado en un 15 por ciento. Por otro lado, también se actualizó la aplicación Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR, aunque solo se indicó el arreglo de problemas de fiabilidad.
También se ha agregado una nueva área para explorar en SteamVR Home llamada Gulping Goat.
- Added a new mirror window mode called “Center View” that maximizes the view for any window size inside the hidden area mesh (the black area of pixels at the periphery). This view is meant to improve the spectating experience by letting viewers see as much of what the user sees as possible without showing any of the masked pixels. This is also meant to improve streaming quality by providing the best subrect for any aspect ratio.
- New mini performance graph in the lower left corner of the settings window and in headset (still in beta as we improve performance of in-headset graph). The in-headset graph, meant primarily for developers, can be enabled with a checkbox near the top of the developers tab in the settings window
- Added a default filename when saving a system report that includes the date and time to ensure a unique filename
- Save mirror window maximized state so it properly launches maximized on startup
- Fixed settings window remembering size and location
- Improved status text in lower left corner of the settings window
- Added basic hardware information to the video tab in the settings window that shows headset name, GPU name, and GPU driver version
- Enhanced the advanced frame timing window with several additional graph lines showing state of the new reprojection system (see below)
- Fixed bug where settings window and mirror window might launch off-screen if the main monitor resolution was reduced or if a second monitor was removed
- Fixed bug where per-application settings wouldn't initially show up if the first entry in the list was an overlay application
- Removed several deprecated options from the developer tab in the settings window
- Fixed OpenVR.TrackedCamera being null from Unity/C#
- Disabled server running on port 8081.
- Fixed inability for OpenVR consumers to read camera video frames.
- Added option to hide SteamVR alerts and warnings when SteamVR minimized, available under Settings->General
- Fixes pass-through camera PIP on dashboard controller for Vive Pro
- Fixed crash in Unity with OpenGLCore renderer in SteamVR Unity Asset Package
- Fixed a crash when changing direct mode with no device connected.
- Fix DPI compatibility with new mini performance graph
- Added support for starting SteamVR automatically when the Vive Pro headset button is pressed.
- Fixed vrserver crash for users who have more than 1024 VR apps installed.
- Fix for crash in wireless Base Station 1.0 discovery, likely occurring during SteamVR shutdown.
- Fixed issue that could have caused some devices (i.e. base stations and controllers) to not appear. Once a device hit this issue a SteamVR restart was required to correct the problem.
SteamVR Home:
- Fixed input-related performance issue on Linux
- Fix for setting incorrect controller model on all connected clients.
- Fixed multiplayer connection issues in destinations with asset pack dependencies
- Updating workshop destinations can now properly add/remove asset packs
- Increased number of avatar outfits to 12
SteamVR Input:
- Fixed issue with apps needing to run twice to have bindings load.
- Fixed issue with strings returned by IVRInput::GetOriginLocalizedName()
- Fixed issue that caused Get*ActionState functions in the API to return VRInputError_InvalidHandle instead of VRInputError_None for actions that were valid but not bound.
- Fixed screenshot chord.
- Fixed crash when animation files are missing or fail to load.
- Performance improvements in the input system.
Vive Controller Firmware:
- Fixed an issue where noisy or intermittent USB or radio connections could result in missed state transitions, such as the trackpad being stuck in the touched state until another input change occurs.
- Compatibility with new frequency and amplitude based haptics API.
Vive Tracker:
- Changed trackers to default to “held in hand” mode.
- Fixed Vive Tracker support in Duck Season, Tactical AR, American Dream, Operation Warcade, and Arizona Sunshine.
Reprojection and timing update. We have improved the smoothness and reliability of the reprojection system. More improvements are planned.
Increased performance of the compositor distortion renderer by about 15%
Updated throttling and prediction behavior.
Increased running start advance responsiveness.
Fixed issues with gpu timing reporting.
Skip updating mirror textures if not in use for increased performance.
Dynamically pull back running start if applications are taking too long on the cpu for rendering. This should help apps that previously relied on the Always-On Reprojection option in non-async mode to make framerate.
Fixed TotalRenderGpuMs reported timing sometimes missing compositor contribution.
Reduced black borders during reprojection
Vulkan: Fix flickering on RADV with SteamVR Home + async reprojection.